Line Dancing
Activity Center
- Sunday
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- 3pm
- 10am
- 11am
- 10am
Birthday Celebration!
Monday September 18th
Activity Center
- Gogo Burgers Food Truck – 5pm
- Celebrate Burger Month!
- DJ Brandon – 6pm
- Ice cream and cake provided
Eccentrics Stretching
Activity Center
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Friday
- 9am
- 9am
- 9am
American Mah Jongg
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday
2pm – Belle’s Place
Please come by if you want to learn or just enjoy playing!
Water Exercise
At The Pool
- Tuesday
- Thursday
- 7pm
- 7pm
We have added some new umbrellas at the pool! You know how quickly storms can roll in so if you open an umbrella, please put it back down when you leave.
We need tin cans and milk or water jugs for crafts! Please clean out, remove labels, and drop off at Activity Center.
Coming in October!
Halloween Party – Baked Potato Bar, Golf Cart Parade with prizes for best decorated!