Storms are starting to kick up!
Get a weather app on your phone and allow it to send you notifications of storm alerts.
We don’t have hurricane or tornado shelters at the park, but interior room with no windows are best places to be.
More info next month when Hurricane Season starts.
Propane Delivery
- Class A, B, & C only
- Will be here Wednesday May 3rd
- After 5/3 will come every other Wednesday until Fall
BP Caring Group
We are starting a food pantry in the Activity Center. Drop if it you’ve got it or take it if you need it!
Summer Fun – Monday Socials
1st Monday of each month – Bunco Potluck
- Come and eat, even if you don’t play, but Bunco is just rolling dice and lots of fun!
2nd Monday of each month – Bingo Potluck/Snacks
- We will still have a sign-up sheet to ensure we have 25, but let’s eat!
3rd Monday of each month – Birthday Celebration!
- Food truck at 5pm; DJ from 6-9pm; Let’s Celebrate!!
- Ice cream and cake provided!
4th Monday of each month – Game Night
- Bring snacks and let’s play! Nickels, Samba, Hand & Foot, Mexican Train Dominoes
- Whatever other games we get interest in!
Derby Day – Saturday May 6th, 4pm at Activity Center
- Potluck Dinner / Salads / Desserts – signup sheet in AC
- Frozen Mint Juleps & BYOB
- Faux Horse Betting – Win Place and Show $5 per horse
- Ladies Handmade Hat Contest
- Run for the Roses Horse Race – Belle Parc style!

Mowing – Please ensure you pick up all items in your yard that could be damaged or cause damage to property or persons. Our staff may move items as necessary to avoid injury or damage. As you know the winds can pick up any time! If you are going to be away from your RV, please remember to check the weather forecast and bring in your awning as well as yard items that could become projectiles.
Memorial Day 5/29

We will pay tribute to our heroes who gave their lives for our country starting at 2pm at the Activity Center.
Ribs and refreshments will be provided; we are asking guests to bring sides and desserts.
We will be reading some poems and the names of those close to us who gave their lives. Please let us know if you would like to read one or have a loved one who gave their life so we can read their name as well.
We are down to only 1 dumpster per area for the summer so please remember to break down your boxes to ensure there is room for everyone to dump their garbage!
Thank you!
Recurring Activities for May
Eccentrics Class
Mon, Wed, Fri 9am
Line Dancing
Mon, Wed 10:30am
Beginners Fri 10:30am
Tues, Thurs, Sun 2pm
Pool Aerobics – NEW!
Tues, Thurs 7pm
Mail Center – 10,228 pkgs
delivered Oct – Mar!
As you may have noticed, the USPS mail has been delivered late each day.
The reservations staff hours are 10am-3pm but they will continue to check for mail delivery throughout the day.
If you find the lobby door locked it means mail and packages have been delivered. You may check with the office (if open) or call the emergency # and ask them to contact staff to open the mail room.